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how to do local seo if you have multiple office locations

How Do You Do Local SEO If You Have Multiple Office Locations?

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“How to Do Local SEO if You Have Multiple Office Locations?” is a vital question for law firms expanding to new areas. This guide contains the essential strategies for enhancing your law firm’s presence in local search engine optimization (SEO) when operating from multiple locations. By focusing on careful consideration and strategic planning, we’ll help you leverage this unique opportunity to connect with a wider audience effectively.

Do you know Googles local SEO ranking factors?

Before diving into the specifics of local SEO optimization for multiple business locations, it’s essential to understand the key ranking factors that influence your law firm’s visibility in local search results. Google’s local SEO algorithms consider several factors, including:


Proximity refers to the distance between the user’s location and your law firm’s multiple business locations. When displaying local search results, Google prioritizes businesses geographically closer to the user’s current location. Ensuring that your business information is accurate and consistent across all online platforms is crucial for improving proximity relevance.


Prominence reflects the reputation and visibility of your law firm’s business locations. Positive reviews, high-quality backlinks, and consistent online mentions contribute to your law firm’s prominence in local search results. Encouraging satisfied clients to leave reviews and actively managing your law firm’s online reputation can help enhance prominence.


Relevancy pertains to how well your law firm’s business information matches the user’s search intent. Optimizing your website content, including location-specific keywords and relevant metadata, helps improve relevancy and ensures that your law firm appears in relevant local search queries.

On-site optimization

When optimizing your law firm’s local SEO for multiple business locations, on-site optimization is crucial in ensuring that each location is accurately represented and easily discoverable by potential clients. Here are key on-site optimization strategies to implement:

Location page: Create dedicated landing pages for your law firm’s business locations. These pages should include essential information such as address, contact details, business hours, and a brief overview of services offered at each location. Incorporate location-specific keywords to improve visibility in local search results.

Local schema: Implement structured data markup, such as legal services, attorney helps to provide search engines with additional context about your law firm’s multiple business locations. This markup helps search engines understand the geographic relevance of each location and enhances the likelihood of appearing in local search results.

Consistent NAP information: NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) consistency across all online platforms is critical for local SEO success. Ensure your law firm’s NAP information is accurate and consistent across your website, Google My Business listings, online directories, and social media profiles. Any discrepancies can negatively impact your law firm’s local search rankings.

Off-site optimization

In addition to law firm on-site optimization, off-site optimization strategies are essential for improving the authority and credibility of your law firm’s multiple business locations. Here are key off-site optimization tactics to incorporate into your local SEO strategy:

GBP optimization: Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool for managing your law firm’s online presence across Google’s platforms, including Google Search and Google Maps. Optimize your GMB listings for each business location by providing accurate and detailed information, responding to client reviews, and regularly updating posts and photos.

Reputation management: Monitor and manage online reviews for each of your law firm’s business locations. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews, respond promptly to negative feedback, and professionally address client concerns. Positive reviews not only enhance your law firm’s reputation but also contribute to improved local search rankings.

Citation listings: Ensure your law firm’s business information is listed accurately on reputable online directories, industry-specific websites, and local business listings. Consistent citation listings help reinforce your law firm’s credibility and authority in local search results.

Local backlink building: Acquire high-quality backlinks from local websites, community organizations, and legal directories to boost the authority of your law firm’s multiple business locations. Local backlinks signal to search engines that your law firm is a trusted and reputable resource within the community.

Don’t forget mobile optimization for local SEO

In today’s digital landscape, mobile optimization is paramount for the success of any local SEO strategy. With a significant portion of local searches originating from mobile devices, ensuring that your law firm’s website is optimized for mobile users is essential. Here’s why:

User experience: Mobile users expect fast-loading, responsive websites that are easy to navigate on smaller screens. By optimizing your law firm’s website for mobile devices, you can provide users with a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Google’s mobile-first indexing: Google now prioritizes the mobile version of websites for indexing and ranking purposes. A mobile-friendly website is more likely to rank higher in mobile search results, improving your law firm’s visibility to potential clients in your target area.

To optimize your law firm’s website for mobile users, consider implementing responsive web design, optimizing page speed, and ensuring all content is easily accessible and legible on mobile devices.

Things to consider when opening a new location for your law firm

Expanding your law firm’s presence by opening a new location can be an exciting opportunity for growth. However, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure a successful launch and maximize your new location’s visibility in local search results. Here are some key considerations:

Market research: Conduct thorough market research to identify areas with high demand for legal services in your practice area. Evaluate local competition, demographics, and consumer behavior to determine the viability of opening a new location.

Location selection: Choose a strategic location for your new office that is easily accessible to your target audience and aligns with your law firm’s brand and values. Consider factors such as foot traffic, proximity to courthouses, and parking availability.

Local SEO strategy: Develop a comprehensive local SEO strategy to optimize your new location’s online visibility and attract clients. This includes creating dedicated location pages, optimizing Google My Business listings, and obtaining citations from local directories.

Staffing and resources: Ensure you have the necessary staffing and resources to support your new location’s operations. Hire qualified legal professionals and administrative staff and provide training to ensure consistency in service delivery across all locations.

Carefully considering these factors and implementing a strategic plan will help launch a new law firm location and capitalize on growth opportunities in the target market.

What does a properly SEO-optimized local page look like?

A properly optimized local page is essential for improving your law firm’s visibility in local search results and attracting clients in your target area. Here’s what a well-optimized local page should include:

Properly optimized meta tags

Meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, play a crucial role in informing search engines and users about the content of your local page. Ensure that your meta tags are concise descriptive, and include relevant keywords related to your law firm’s services and location.

Properly optimized metatags properly optimized schema markup for local optimization or Richsnippets

Implement schema markup, such as LocalBusiness schema, to provide search engines with structured data about your law firm’s business information, including name, address, phone number, and operating hours. This helps search engines understand the context of your local page and may result in rich snippets appearing in search results.

Good H1 with targeted local keyword phrase

Use a clear and descriptive H1 heading, including your law firm’s targeted local keyword phrase. This heading should accurately reflect the content of your local page and provide users with a clear understanding of what your law firm offers in their local area.

Optimize the article for your local keyword phrase

Create informative and engaging content optimized for your law firm’s targeted local keyword phrase. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the content, including in headings, subheadings, and body text, while ensuring the content remains valuable and relevant to users.

Following these guidelines and optimizing your law firm’s local page effectively can improve its visibility in local search results and attract more clients in your target area.

Read this blog to get ideas for content marketing for personal injury lawyers.

Promote your local business with Blue Summit SEO

Promote Your Local Businesses with Blue Summit SEO

Promoting your law firm’s local business is crucial for attracting clients in your target area and maximizing your online visibility. With Blue Summit SEO’s expertise in local SEO strategies, you can effectively promote your law firm and increase your local search rankings. Here are some key ways Blue Summit SEO can help:

With Blue Summit SEO’s comprehensive approach to local SEO, you can effectively promote your law firm’s local business and attract more clients in your target area. Contact us and our representative will reach out to you.

If you need to know about SEO for your law firm, we have a dedicated page for it, SEO for lawyers.


A location landing page is a web page on your law firm’s website that provides information about a particular office location. It typically includes details such as the address, contact information, operating hours, and directions to the office. Location landing pages help users find your law firm’s offices in their area and can improve your law firm’s visibility in local search results.

No, location pages are not inherently bad for SEO. When properly optimized, location pages can help improve your law firm’s visibility in local search results and attract more clients in your target area. However, it’s essential to ensure that each location page provides unique and valuable content and that your law firm’s business information is consistent across all pages to avoid any negative impact on SEO.

You can create a Google map with multiple locations for your law firm. Google My Business allows you to manage multiple locations from a single dashboard and create a custom map that displays all of your law firm’s offices. This can help users find your law firm’s locations easily and improve your law firm’s visibility in local search results.

Location and service pages serve different purposes on your law firm’s website. A location page specifically provides information about a particular office location, including the address, contact information, and operating hours. In contrast, a service page is dedicated to showcasing the legal services offered by your law firm, such as family law, personal injury, or estate planning. While location pages help users find your law firm’s offices, service pages highlight your legal services.

Yes, Google My Business allows users to leave reviews for multiple locations of the same business. If your law firm has multiple office locations, clients can leave reviews for each location separately. However, it’s essential to encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews for each location to improve the visibility and reputation of all your law firm’s offices.


Picture of Tim Brown
Tim Brown

Timothy Brown is the founder of Blue Summit SEO, renowned for propelling law firms to the top of Google's search results without relying on paid ads. With a rich background that spans from managing a video game store to leading digital marketing efforts, Timothy is dedicated to delivering transparent and effective SEO strategies.

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