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Off Page SEO for Law Firms

Discover the benefits of ethical link-building for lawyers. Our Off-Page SEO services at Blue Summit SEO can elevate your legal practice online.

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Law firms must market themselves effectively to attract online clients. To do this, they should use innovative strategies that help them stand out in the crowded marketplace. These strategies are crucial to success in today’s digital world. One effective method to achieve this is through link building.

At Blue Summit SEO, we understand the critical role of link building in law firm SEO so that we offer tailored Off-Page SEO services to help you attain your online objectives.

Table of Contents

Benefits of link building for lawyers

benefits of link building for lawyers

Link building involves acquiring quality backlinks from reputable websites to your law firm’s website. Here are some compelling reasons why link-building is essential for lawyers:

  • Enhancing Visibility: Quality backlinks are a vote of confidence from other websites. When respected sites link to your law firm’s website, search engines perceive your content as authoritative and relevant, which can result in improved search engine rankings. Consequently, this enhanced visibility can attract potential clients actively seeking legal services.
  • Increased Credibility: Backlinks from authoritative legal websites and industry-specific directories bolster your law firm’s credibility. When prospective clients encounter recommendations from trusted sources, they are more likely to trust your services and legal expertise, potentially leading to increased inquiries and consultations.
  • Targeted Traffic: Quality backlinks improve search engine rankings and generate targeted traffic. When users click on links from related websites, they are more likely to be interested in your legal services, increasing the probability of conversion.

Tips for building links

Get Noticed. Get Clients. Get Growing.

Effective link-building requires a well-thought-out strategy. Here are:

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Create linkable assets (pages and posts) and outreach

Develop informative and valuable content on your website that others would naturally want to link to. This could include comprehensive legal guides, case studies, or insightful blog posts. Once you have compelling content, initiate outreach to other legal websites, blogs, and legal directories to request backlinks.

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Get listed on legal directories

Online legal directories are an excellent source of backlinks for law firms. Ensure your law firm is listed on reputable legal directories such as Avvo, FindLaw, or Martindale-Hubbell. These listings provide valuable backlinks and a convenient way for potential clients to find your legal services.

strong profile icon

Leverage contacts (word of mouth)

Networking within the legal community can lead to valuable link-building opportunities. Cultivate strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and legal professionals who may maintain websites or blogs related to the legal field. They may be open to linking to your website or collaborating on content.

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Write blogs on the website (informational intent)

Consistently publishing informative blog posts on your website showcases your legal expertise and provides opportunities for internal linking. Internal links can guide users to other relevant pages on your site, enhancing the overall user experience.

Types of link building

Link building encompasses various strategies and techniques to acquire valuable backlinks. For lawyers, it’s crucial to employ tactics that strengthen your website’s authority and align with your legal niche and objectives. Here are some key link-building strategies that can benefit your law firm:

guest bloggging

Guest posting

Guest posting involves creating informative and relevant content for other legal websites, blogs, or publications within your legal niche. By contributing well-researched articles or blog posts, you can establish your expertise, gain exposure to a broader audience, and earn valuable backlinks.


  1. Enhanced online presence and credibility within your legal field.
  2. Opportunities to connect with other legal professionals and communities.
  3. Quality backlinks from authoritative sources.

Foundational links

Foundational links are essential for any law firm’s link-building strategy. These are typically links from high-quality legal directories, industry-specific organizations, and bar associations. Listed in these authoritative directories provides valuable backlinks and improves your firm’s online credibility.


  1. Establishes trust and authority within the legal community.
  2. Enhances local visibility and SEO rankings.
  3. Increases accessibility for potential clients searching for legal services.
foundational links
help a reporter out

Help A Reporter Out (HARO)

HARO is a platform connecting journalists and reporters with expert sources. Regularly monitoring HARO requests related to legal topics allows you to respond with insightful contributions, positioning yourself as an industry expert. You earn valuable backlinks when your insights are featured in news articles or publications.


  1. Establishes you as a reputable source of legal expertise.
  2. Gains exposure in authoritative publications.
  3. Generates backlinks from news articles.

Community mentions and User Generated Content (UGC)

Engaging with your local legal community and encouraging user-generated content (UGC) can lead to valuable mentions and backlinks. Participating in legal forums, discussion boards, or local events can result in natural references and citations from fellow legal professionals.


  1. Strengthening connections within the legal community.
  2. Natural mentions and backlinks from peers.
  3. Enhanced local reputation and presence.
social mentions
legal directories

Legal directories

Listing your law firm on reputable legal directories, such as Avvo, FindLaw, or Martindale-Hubbell, can provide valuable backlinks and improve online visibility. Many potential clients use these directories to find legal services, making them an essential part of your link-building strategy.


  1. Valuable backlinks from authoritative legal directories.
  2. Increased accessibility to potential clients.
  3. Improved local SEO rankings.

Should I buy links?

We strongly advise against purchasing links. While buying links may seem like a shortcut to improving your website’s authority, it can have severe consequences. Search engines like Google penalize websites with link schemes or purchasing unnatural links. These penalties can lead to a significant drop in search engine rankings and even removal from search results.

Instead of buying links, focus on organic and ethical link-building strategies. Creating valuable, informative content, engaging with your legal community, and earning backlinks naturally through expertise and reputation are far more sustainable and effective methods.

Blue Summit SEO for your off page SEO services

A+ certified business from BBB

We understand law firms’ unique challenges and opportunities in the digital landscape. Our experienced SEO professionals specialize in crafting comprehensive Off-Page SEO strategies tailored to legal practices. If you’re ready to strengthen your law firm’s online presence through effective Off-Page SEO and link-building strategies, contact Blue Summit SEO today.

Let’s work together to elevate your legal practice in the digital realm. Also, if you need to know about SEO for your law firm, we have a dedicated page for it, SEO for lawyers.


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