Blue Summit SEO

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Legal Website Development

Discover the benefits of legal website development for law firms. Choose Blue Summit SEO for professional lawyer web development. Get started today.

Having a strong online presence is crucial for law firms. A well-designed and optimized website can significantly impact your firm’s visibility and client acquisition. Blue Summit SEO specializes in legal website development, providing tailored solutions to help law firms of all sizes establish a powerful online presence.

Why Choose Blue Summit SEO for your lawyer web development?

Blue Summit SEO is a trusted partner for law firms seeking professional web development services. Here’s why you should consider us for your legal website development:

Experience: With more than a decade of experience in search engine optimization (SEO), our founder, Tim Brown, leads a team of experts who understand the unique needs of law firms.

Specialization: We focus exclusively on helping law firms achieve top rankings on Google organic search. Our expertise ensures that your website is designed with SEO best practices in mind from the start.

Custom Solutions: We understand that every law firm is unique. Whether you’re a small, mid-size, or large firm, we tailor our legal web development services to meet your specific goals and requirements.

Proven Results: Our track record speaks for itself. We have helped numerous law firms enhance their online presence, leading to increased client inquiries and cases.

I am extremely impressed with Tim and would recommend him to any business owner. His knowledge of marketing, especially SEO, is fantastic. I have asked him to write several blog posts and a newsletter and they are the best I’ve seen. He’s a cordial, professional, reasonably priced professional. Two thumbs up!
Sam Nordean For Nordean Law
Sam Nordean
Nordean Law, Orange County, CA.
I recently used the Blue Summit SEO's service. I am happier with the results form SEO. Tim and the team were professional. They provided me valuable insights and recommendations for improving my firm's website. They are very responsive and easy to work with. It made the whole service process stress-free. I'll gladly recommend them to anyone!
stewart shamon from shamon law
Stewart Shamon
Shamon Law, San Diego, CA.


blue summit seo is a bbb accredited business
A+ certified business from BBB

Law firm website design for all sizes

At Blue Summit SEO, we understand that law firms come in various sizes, each with unique goals and requirements. Our legal website development services are designed to cater to law firms of all sizes, ensuring that your website effectively represents your practice. Here’s how we can assist:

Small Law Firm - Up to 20 Attorneys​

Small law firms often have budget constraints but require a strong online presence to compete effectively. We offer cost-effective web development solutions that enable small firms to establish a powerful online footprint without exceeding their budget.

Custom website design

We create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that prominently showcases your practice areas, expertise, and contact information.

Mobile responsiveness

Your website will be optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that potential clients can access your site seamlessly from any device.

legal web dev for small law firms

SEO optimization

We implement SEO best practices to enhance your website's visibility on search engines, helping you reach a wider audience.

Content management

Easily update your website's content with our user-friendly content management system (CMS), ensuring that your site remains current.

Mid-Size Law Firm - Up to 20 - 100 Attorneys​

Mid-size law firms require websites that convey professionalism and credibility while effectively communicating their diverse practice areas. We provide tailored solutions to address the unique needs of mid-size firms, including:

Comprehensive design

Our design team creates a sophisticated website that reflects the depth of your practice areas and your firm's commitment to client service.

Practice area showcase

We highlight your firm's practice areas, allowing potential clients to explore your services easily and find relevant information.

legal web dev for mid size law firms

Lead generation

Implementing lead generation strategies to capture potential clients' information and inquiries effectively.

Content optimization

Ensuring your website's content is informative and optimized for search engines to attract organic traffic.

Our Services for large law firms

Large law firms often have diverse practice areas and a broad client base. Our legal web development services for large firms are designed to accommodate the complexity and scale of these organizations. Our solutions include:


Tailoring your website to reflect your firm's various practice areas and specialities, making it easy for potential clients to find relevant information.

Advanced features

Implementing client portals, document management systems, and secure communication channels.

legal web dev for large law firms

SEO dominance

Establishing a dominant online presence through comprehensive SEO strategies ensures your firm is visible in a competitive landscape.


Creating a scalable website that can accommodate future growth and expansion, allowing you to adapt to changing needs.

No matter the size of your law firm, Blue Summit SEO has the expertise and experience to deliver a legal website that meets your specific goals and objectives.

Our legal web development approach

Blue Summit SEO follows a systematic and comprehensive approach to legal website development. Our process ensures that your website looks impressive and performs exceptionally well in terms of user experience and search engine optimization. Here are the key stages of our web development approach:

information gathering

Information gathering

We start by understanding your firm's goals, target audience, and unique selling points. Our team collaborates closely with you to gather insights into your practice areas and client expectations. We analyze competitors' websites to identify differentiation and competitive advantage opportunities. Conduct keyword research to determine the most relevant keywords and phrases potential clients use to search for legal services in your practice areas.

Wire framing

We create a structured blueprint of your website's layout and functionality, ensuring every element serves a purpose. Prioritizing user experience, we design the website's navigation, ensuring visitors can easily find the information they seek. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your firm's messaging and SEO objectives, focusing on delivering valuable information to your target audience.



Our team of designers creates a visually stunning website that aligns with your firm's brand identity, values, and professionalism. Ensuring your website is responsive and adapts seamlessly to various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Integrating your firm's branding elements, such as logos, colors, and fonts, to create a cohesive and recognizable online presence.



Our skilled developers bring the design to life, focusing on technical aspects such as functionality, performance, and security. Implementing on-page SEO best practices to ensure your website is search engine-friendly and can rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). Ensuring that your website performs well on mobile devices, as increasing users access websites via smartphones. Providing a user-friendly content management system (CMS) that allows easy content updates and additions.

Our approach to legal web development is rooted in delivering results that impress your visitors and drive organic traffic and inquiries. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the legal industry and tailor our services to meet your firm’s specific needs.

Frequently asked questions

Why should a law firm have a website?

A website for your law firm is essential in today’s digital landscape. Here are several compelling reasons:

Online Visibility: A website increases your online presence, making it easier for potential clients to find you when searching for legal services.

Credibility: A professionally designed website enhances your firm’s credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential clients.

Information Accessibility: Your website serves as a platform to provide essential information about your firm’s practice areas, attorneys, contact details, and more.

Lead Generation: A well-optimized website can generate leads by attracting potential clients actively seeking legal representation.

24/7 Availability: Your website is available around the clock, allowing potential clients to learn about your firm and make inquiries at any time.

Can a law firm have multiple websites?

Yes, a law firm can have multiple websites, each catering to specific practice areas or target audiences. However, managing multiple websites can be complex, and ensuring consistent branding and messaging across all sites is crucial.

Is it unethical for law firms to market services on web pages and blogs?

No, it is not unethical for law firms to market their services on web pages and blogs. Ethical, legal marketing is essential for connecting with potential clients who need legal assistance. However, adhering to legal advertising regulations and maintaining professionalism and accuracy in all marketing materials is important.

How long will it take to develop a legal website?

The timeline for developing a legal website can vary depending on several factors, including the project’s complexity, the number of pages, and the required features. Typically, a basic legal website can be developed in a few weeks, while more complex websites may take a few months. We work closely with clients to establish clear timelines and ensure timely delivery.

How can I contact you?

Blue Summit SEO is committed to providing top-notch legal website development services tailored to the unique needs of law firms. A well-designed and optimized website is a powerful tool for expanding your online presence and attracting potential clients. Contact us today by emailing or visit our website to schedule a free discovery call. Get started if you’re ready to enhance your firm’s online visibility.

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