Blue Summit SEO

Leads generated for our clients


More Leads, More Cases

Law Firm SEO Company That Delivers.

Capture More Local Market Share via Blue Summit SEO: Specializing in Law Firm SEO, We Get Legal Practices Ranked on Page One of Google.



Increase in cases per month


Increase in search engine traffic


New revenues generated for clients


Customer Satisfaction

5 star rating

5000+ Client reviews

SEO Services For Law Firms

We consistently generate six-figure case leads without spending client funds on paid ads.

At Blue Summit SEO, we’re dedicated to elevating your law firm client acquisition to new heights through top-tier SEO performance. Our proven SEO process entails:

Baseline Research

First, our SEO experts deploy best-in-class tools to quantify and assess your current situation.

Strategy Buildout

Next, we craft a custom client action plan detailing strategic priorities, front-end and back-end modifications and calendarized content publishing activities.

Iterative Execution

Finally, we meticulously implement the client SEO optimization journey while collecting and applying real-time performance metrics to make continuous incremental improvements.

The proof is in the numbers

More Qualified Leads


Top Ranking Achieved For Dozens of Law Firm Keywords


Increase in Organic Traffic

Leads generated so far...
50 K
“If you’re thinking about starting a firm, this has to be part of your foundation. There are a lot of SEO firms out there, and I’ve interviewed with a lot of them… If you want someone you can trust, I highly recommend TIM and his TEAM.”
Jason Murphy

Founder of Murphy Trial Law
Bothell, Washington

5 star rating​​

5000+ Client reviews

How We Work

Discover how Blue Summit’s proven system drives more clients to your door.
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Boost leads and search rankings.
Free SEO Audit

From Leads to Landing Cases

Join the ranks of satisfied clients who achieved impressive results with our proven SEO strategies.
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Increase in the Number of Qualified Leads

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Increase in cases per month

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Increase in Organic Traffic

Featured Case Study

Murphy Trial Law

Learn the Recipe Behind Murphy Trial Law’s Rapid SEO Success!

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities:

The Murphy Trial Law Success Story

Join us as we explore and unlock the secrets of effective lead generation and difference-making SEO strategies that produce high-impact turnaround within a 90-day timeframe.

Blue Summit SEO Understands Law Firm Marketing Needs.

A+ certified business from BBB

Blue Summit SEO was founded in 2019 by Tim Brown who holds over a decade of experience in digital marketing, customer acquisition and search engine optimization techniques. Our enterprise was formed with the simple mission of making SEO strategy less opaque and helping growing businesses get ranked at the top of Google organic searches.

Blue Summit SEO understands the importance of ROI, conversion and revenue generation for business entities; thus, we comprehensively supervise our clients’ business growth through researched and customized digital strategies.


What Our Clients Have To Say

See how our clients increased their business volume without help.

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Boost leads and search rankings.
Free Law Firm SEO Audit
murphy logo
“If you’re thinking about starting a firm, this has to be part of your foundation. There are a lot of SEO firms out there, and I’ve interviewed with a lot of them… If you want someone you can trust, I highly recommend TIM and his TEAM.”
Jason Murphy

Founder of Murphy Trial Law
Bothell, Washington

jg logo
I own a personal injury law firm and the competition is extremely fierce for organic search terms. Tim and his team at Blue Summit have exceeded my expectations and I’ve watched my law firm website ranking grow week by week to where now we are on the first page of Google on many search terms–in a very competitive market. Tim really knows what he’s doing and is able to break it all down into language that is easy to understand. He also doesn’t play smoke and mirror games and focuses on the metrics that actually matter: money spent to new case sign-ups received. What’s more, he’s a better human being than he is a marketer, honest to a fault! If you have the opportunity to work with Tim you should jump on it…you’ll be glad you did!
Jeremy Winter

Founder of JG Winter Law
Sacramento, California

Get tailored solutions that drive results.

Boost Your Firm's Visibility

Our professional SEO services are carefully crafted and customized to ensure your firm masters all phases of the customer acquisition funnel, from first impression to repeat engagement.


Get Noticed. Get Clients. Get Growing.

SEO Services for Lawyers

Welcome to a world where your law firm’s success is our top priority. Our professional SEO services for lawyers are meticulously crafted to ensure your firm gets noticed, garners a steady stream of valuable leads, and experiences unparalleled growth.

Map Optimization and Local SEO

With this strategy, we emphasize local search results and intend to be the first name to pop up when a search or query is made on Google maps with your industry’s relevant keywords.

On-Page SEO

Our team fine-tunes your website’s on-page elements, including meta tags, headings, content optimization, and internal linking, to ensure that search engines recognize your site’s relevance.

Content Marketing

We create and publish quality content that is highly relevant to your legal business entity, which boosts attention, retention and conversion among your target audience.

Off-Page SEO (Link Building)

Building authoritative backlinks, enhancing your online presence, and increasing your domain authority is essential to our off-page SEO strategy.

Technical SEO

Stop struggling with complex SEO! Our experts unlock the secrets of search engines, making your website lightning-fast, mobile-friendly, and ranking high. We ensure flawless technical performance, from streamlined architecture to strategic data, for ultimate online success.

Website Creation

Get online fast with a website that mesmerizes users and dominates search. Our expert designers and developers build beautiful, brand-aligned sites optimized for success, in just 4 weeks.


Let’s Get In Touch Soon.

Blue Summit SEO holds over 10 years experience helping law firms grow via the web and other digital avenues. We offer maps and local search optimization and other standard SEO services, billed hourly. We offer our clients individually customized advice based on their unique objectives and needs.

Ready To Talk With A Law Firm SEO Expert?

We help elite law firms increase inbound inquiries from qualified potential leads. Get the customer attention and high-impact marketing results you deserve.
Benefits of working with Blue Summit:

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