Blue Summit SEO

Leads generated for our clients


Proven Law Firm SEO Strategies Produce Million-Dollar and Six-Figure Case Leads for California Attorney

At a glance

We assisted our legal industry client JG Winter Law in SEO improvements that netted them dozens of new clients from website inquiries, including a highly coveted seven-figure personal injury case.


Within 6 months, our SEO strategies delivered:

  • 73% increase in customer calls from website
  • 144% increase in Google Maps business views
  • 43% increase in website visitors from organic search
Time Frame:
May 2023 - Nov 2023

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million dollar case lead for law firm

Background Study : Uncovering Insights for Success

Our client, a Sacramento-based personal injury firm, specializes in car accident cases. They also handle other motor vehicle accidents, catastrophic injuries, traumatic brain injuries, bicycle/pedestrian accidents, slip and falls and wrongful death. This expertise, combined with their “No Win, No Fee” model, strong local industry reputation and large referral network, has led to a sustained track record of success for their legal practice.

However, due to limited organic search visibility they were still missing out on thousands of potential leads per month. Our SEO expertise helped them boost their rankings, drive more website traffic and bring in the high-value cases they were qualified to handle.

Breaking Through SEO Challenges for Jeremy Winter's Brand

Our client faced fierce competition in Sacramento’s saturated legal market, with bigger and longer-running area law firms dominating search results. A thorough technical analysis prior to client onboarding revealed significant keyword gaps and a need for more robust strategic content planning and seeding; these deficiencies were hindering JG Winter Law’s organic search visibility. Additionally, their low domain authority relative to industry competitors made ranking high in search engine results pages (SERPs) difficult.

To overcome these performance issues, we honed in on developing a comprehensive SEO strategy to increase the company’s online presence, attract high-intent leads and drive sustainable business growth.

I own a personal injury law firm and the competition is extremely fierce for organic search terms. Tim and his team at Blue Summit have exceeded my expectations and I've watched my law firm website ranking grow week by week to where now we are on the first page of Google on many search terms-in a very competitive market. Tim really knows what he's doing and is able to break it all down into language that is easy to understand. He also doesn't play smoke and mirror games and focuses on the metrics that actually matter: money spent to new case signups received. What's more, he's a better human being than he is a marketer, honest to a fault! If you have the opportunity to work with Tim you should jump on'll be glad you did!
attorney jeremy winter
Jeremy Winter
Founder of JG Winter Law

Our Winning StrategyThat Generated Millions in Law Firm Case Revenues $$$

jg winter law gsc graph

Our data-driven SEO strategy positioned the JG Winter Law to corner the market on relevant search results in the hotly contested Capital Region, while also boosting their search rankings from cities and counties across all of northern and even central California. Blue Summit SEO systematically implemented fixes and enhancements that resulted in thousands of new incoming leads with potential case value in the millions of dollars.Our expert SEO approach consisted of the following steps:

Maximized Visibility and Leads with Technical SEO Transformation

We performed an exhaustive technical SEO audit to pinpoint issues hindering the website’s crawlability and indexation. We addressed and resolved key technical shortcomings, ensuring the site’s infrastructure meets current SEO standards. This foundational work facilitated optimal indexing and crawling, enabling enhanced online visibility and lead generation. Our fixes included:

  • Resolving crawl errors and broken links: We fixed technical errors that prevented search engine bots from crawling the site effectively and ensured the users had a seamless experience.

  • Optimizing site speed and mobile responsiveness: Our website optimizations significantly improved load speed, mobile responsiveness and user interface and experience (UI/UX).

  • Implementing Schema markup: We implemented structural improvements to site schema and data to help Google, Bing and other search engines more readily identify and digest essential elements of the client’s business offering including firm practice areas, location and contact information.

  • Redesigned Landing Page: We redesigned key landing pages to enhance user experience and increase conversions. We ensured the pages aligned with search intent, loaded quickly, and featured clear calls to action, creating a seamless journey from search results to becoming a valued client.

Result: This strategic foundation allowed search engines to crawl and index the website more efficiently, maximizing its potential to rank for relevant legal queries.

Targeted Client’s Desired Audience via Strategic Keywords Development

Next, we conducted in-depth research to build out a more comprehensive list of terms frequently utilized by our client’s potential costumes when searching for legal help. This went beyond just finding keywords – we analyzed the intent behind those searches:

  • Are people seeking immediate assistance after an accident?
  • Are they comparing attorneys after a referral?
  • Are they researching complex legal issues in his practice area?

By tailoring the website’s content to match these search needs, we connected our client with his potential clients at the ideal stage of their discovery process.

Result: This targeted approach positioned Attorney JG Winter as the authoritative answer to the potential prospects’ most pressing questions, driving qualified leads and boosting conversions.

Accelerated Prospect Discovery with Optimized Schema Markup

The aforementioned schema markups produced the following results:

  • Featured Snippets: Increased the chance of answering potential client questions directly in Google results.
  • Knowledge Graph: Improved the firm’s presence in Google’s knowledge panels, building authority.
  • Local SEO Boost: Improved visibility in map listings and location-specific searches, attracting local clients.

Result: Potential clients in the firm’s service area can now encounter the most pertinent information about the firm with minimal search effort. This improved visibility builds trust and showcases the firm as a credible source of legal expertise to visitors, which was a key factor in boosting the website’s ranking from the 60s (sixth page) to #1 (top result) for a handful of highly relevant and highly trafficked law firm search terms.

Built Trust and Established Authority

We developed a comprehensive link-building strategy to increase the firm’s website authority and search engine visibility. Our approach included:

  • Competitor Backlink Analysis: Carefully analyzed competitors’ link profiles to uncover valuable backlink opportunities, to be exercised using client’s available monthly digital marketing budget.
  • High-Authority Citations: Built citations on trusted legal directories and local business listings to solidify NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency.
  • Contextual Link Building: Secured relevant backlinks from legal blogs, news sites and complementary businesses to boost topical relevance.
  • Digital PR: Initiated outreach for media coverage and thought leadership pieces, earning high-quality links and brand exposure.

Result: This comprehensive approach improved the firm’s domain authority, diversified their backlink profile and increased their ranking potential for competitive keywords in their practice areas.

Established Strategic Content Stream

We developed a content strategy aligned with the client’s sales funnel and practice areas. We focused on creating high-value supporting blog posts to bolster the authority of core website pages that include:

  • FAQs: Answering common legal questions in a clear, client-centric way.
  • Blog Posts: Providing in-depth insights on timely legal issues demonstrating the firm’s deep expertise.
  • Case Studies: Showcasing successes, i.e. recent court case wins and pretrial negotiation settlements, to build credibility and trust.
  • Local Resources: Establishing the firm as a valuable part of the community.

In addition, we strategically enhanced our client’s website content to create a more engaging and informative experience. By addressing common client questions, we fostered trust in our client among his customer audience and improved conversions. We guided our client in creating compelling video content for his site, giving prospective clients seeking legal assistance a more authentic emotional connection to the firm’s style and personality. These additions helped JG Winter Law more stronger and more frequent new customer connections.

Result: This targeted content provides valuable information to potential clients, increases the website’s topical depth, boosts internal linking and attracts high-quality backlinks – all crucial for improving rankings and driving organic traffic.

priority car accident lawyer sacramento not ranking on google before june 2023

Boosted Local Area Incoming Leads

We devised and executed a targeted local SEO strategy for our client, focusing upon:

  • GBP Optimization: Ensuring their Google Business Profile as accurate, complete and featured client reviews.
  • Local Citations: Building consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone) listings across authoritative directories and legal-specific platforms.
  • Sitewide Optimization: Incorporating location-specific keywords, embedding maps and highlighting the firm’s community involvement.
  • Competition Analysis: We dissected competing law firm websites to identify and close citation gaps.

Result: This comprehensive approach boosted visibility in map packs and local search results for high-intent keywords (e.g., “[city] car accident lawyer”). This directly translated into increased website traffic, phone calls and qualified leads from the firm’s target service area.

Generated Industry-Specific Expert Content

Our in-depth analysis of competitors revealed the key content drivers for organic success were:

  • Location Focus: Optimized existing pages and created new ones focusing on the firm’s primary service areas combined with location modifiers.
  • Practice Area Clusters: Built robust content clusters around their core practice areas, using internal linking for greater depth, e.g., a cluster on the car accident process, compensation laws, etc.
  • Supporting Content: Developed content that directly addressed potential leads’ pain points, showcasing the firm’s knowledge and empathy. FAQs and blog posts provided valuable information, answered common client questions and demonstrated expertise.

Then, we built individual practice area pages for each location our client serves. Our client is headquartered in Sacramento, California, so we created a webpage optimized for that geographic location. The overall page and URL structure were modified into the following slug format: lawyer/

Furthermore, we expanded our content silos even more by implementing a robust content strategy and a strict interlinking structure by creating supporting clustered pages such as:


Result: This strategic approach significantly increased the website’s topical relevance, improved rankings for targeted keywords and attracted a greater volume of qualified organic traffic.

Note: This strategy worked exceptionally well, and we ranked for their high-value or “money keywords”, i.e., [location] + car accident lawyer, [location] + truck accident lawyer, within a short time frame.

Incoming calls and quality leads grew steadily, and eventually became too much for JG Winter Law’s intake staff to handle. The client half-jokingly asked, “Is there any way to stop getting calls and leads?” Eventually, the client looked into hiring third-party answering services to alleviate their “suffering from success” situation.

Key Results Achieved

Within the May ‘23 to Nov ‘23 performance window, our strategies delivered:

  •  300% increase in leads and calls: Most important indicator of our strategy’s effectiveness
  • 50% increase in website clicks: Improved visibility across wider range of relevant keywords
  • 33% increase in overall SERP rankings: Client’s average ranking for critical keywords jumped up from 40.0 in May ‘23 to 30.7 in Nov ‘23
potential lead for jg winter law


Blue Summit SEO rapidly expanded the reach and efficacy of JG Winter Law’s website and returned immediate dividends on the client’s initial digital marketing investment. Our client has offered glowing testimonials and continues its partnership with us into 2024, maintaining its high local search rankings while steadily growing its keyword visibility.

jg winter law march performance
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