Blue Summit SEO

Leads generated for our clients


Case Studies

90 days seo success for murphy trial law

Murphy Trial Law

Discover the Secret Behind Murphy Trial Law’s Rapid Success: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: The Murphy Trial Law Success Saga!

Join us as we unravel the secrets of effective lead generation, the SEO strategies that made the difference, and the stunning results, all within a 90-day timeframe.

JG Winter Law

Our client faced fierce competition in the saturated legal market, with established firms dominating search results. A thorough analysis revealed significant keyword gaps and a need for more strategic content planning, hindering their organic visibility.

To break through these challenges, we focused on developing a comprehensive SEO strategy to increase the company’s online presence, attract high-intent leads, and drive sustainable business growth.

6 months success for jg winter law
seo success for orange county law firm

Nordean Law

Nordean Law, a personal injury firm in Orange County, focuses on negligence cases and provides personalized attention to each client. Despite their dedication, they faced challenges in establishing a strong online presence, weakening their online authority and hindering client outreach.

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